Informatics and Management:
Bologna-Style Qualifications Frameworks

Duration: 2 years.


Koordіnator: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Poland)

Members of the EU:

Koblenz-Landau University (Germany)

Link Campus University (Italy)

Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia);

Quality Assurance Netherlands (Netherlands);

World University Service (Austria).


The overall objective of the project - the promotion of higher education in Russia, Ukraine and Armenia through its adaptation to the real needs of the economy.

 The subject of the project - the introduction ideas of a qualifications framework in the field of computer science and management in the participating countries in order to improve educational standards by analyzing data collected from potential employers.

 During the project it will be collected and analyzed information about the real needs of the economies of the three countries. Qualification requirements will be described in a special document "Basic principles of a qualifications framework in the field of computer science and management." General recommendations will be adapted to national conditions and the national qualifications framework will be reviewed and approved by the relevant national scientific and methodical associations responsible for the preparation of national standards. The national qualifications framework will be used in the future to develop new standards.

 Trainings for universities and ministries are scheduled in European universities. The teachers, enhanced their skills in EU universities, will prepare special courses about problems of qualifications frameworks.