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- Written by Super User
Category: Английский
Published: 13 May 2013
Hits: 1706
How often do you or your friends are faced with the challenge of finding work when you're, like, well finished studies at the university, and in practice, it is hard to get a job, because you do not have even the most minimal knowledge. Because of what is it happening so that the knowledge gained while learning – is not that the employer required? And how to achieve the desired result to inadvertently not to waste more than 5 years of life?
The world has long been revised approach to higher education, in many university graduates are trained in accordance with the needs of society - the strengthening of globalization and labor mobility. It's amazing and unbelievable to hear the developed world produce the best professionals who are keeping pace with the time and are always in demand. The secret of their success lies in the so-called qualification frameworks. Qualifications Framework (QR) appear in many countries in common frame with reference that supports globalization, labor mobility and lifelong learning. This project is designed for three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Armenia. The name of the project stands as: INARM (Informatics and Management: Bologna-Style Qualifications Frameworks). It is not difficult to guess that the creation of QR will be held in the branches of informatics and management. But in order to understand what actually create, let's see what it is, so to say we will find a starting point.
Higher education pursues four objectives:
- Preparation for the labor market;
- Preparation to lifetime of active citizens in a democratic society;
- Personal development;
- The development and maintenance of a broad, advanced knowledge base.
Preparation for the labor market - a dimension that is, judging by the past generation, the most dominant in public discourse about education. Employers have complained that the current education system of many countries provide students with inadequate preparation for the labor market, and this concern was one of the driving forces of the Bologna Process.
Preparation for life as active citizens of a democratic society: while democratic institutions and laws are binding for democratic societies, but they can only operate in societies marked by democratic culture that is tolerant and accepts diversity and open debate. Democracy ultimately depends on the active participation of educated citizens. Therefore, education at all levels plays a key role in the development of a democratic culture. In addition to the transmitted (transversal) skillsand active participation of citizens requires a broad education in a variety of areas, as well as the saturation of democratic attitudes and values the ability to think critically.
Personal development: this aspect of the higher education policy of the Bologna Process is not still addressed so clearly in the texts. While personal development might be more obvious purpose of education and higher education, including those in the earlier stages of personality development. Personal development still continues to be a major assumption about education in Europe. The assumption may seem controversial in the context of the development of mass education, but, nevertheless, it should be made clear. While training for the labor market is an important goal of education, the purpose of personal development cannot disappear at all.
Development and maintenance of a broad, advanced knowledge: for society to have access to advanced knowledge in a wide range of disciplines. At the most advanced levels of knowledge should be the ratio of training and research. However, this is not meant to limit the study only as advanced knowledge and the transfer of such knowledge plays an important role in a wide range of areas and at levels below where research is carried out directly. Thus, while the knowledge of advanced skills and techniques, such as welding, as well as the ability to develop them in the future, may not be characterized as "research", however, these skills and transfer are likely to have a significant place in relation to the contemporary technologically advanced society.
The objectives of universities often coincide with the goals of higher education, but, as we all know, in practice it is not so. Framework for Qualifications - this is the only description on the national level or the level of education that is internationally understood and through which all qualifications and other achievements obtained in the process of learning in higher education may be described and related to each other in series between educational qualifications. Thus, no more differences between different educational institutions, all of them will stick with the same level and there will be discrepancies between their goals and the services provided.
The introduction of QF is not such a simple task. There are two important aspects that threaten the success of the QF. First, the QF in the three countries have been developed separately from the direct perpetrators and stakeholders to accelerate the process of compliance with the requirements set at EU level, which impugn the success of the implementation. Second, at the sectorial level, there are qualifications that are either accepted of professionals or are not provided by higher education institutions. Effective implementation of the NQF and therefore SQR (sectorial qualifications frameworks) is impossible without a strong network of all stakeholders, including civil society and the social partners. Increasing the participation of employers, trade unions and educational institutions is seen as a precondition for the successful implementation of the framework.
Thus, the main objective of the project is to promote the further development of Russian, Ukrainian and Armenian higher education through the development of sectoral qualifications frameworks of computer science and management, and improving the quality, consistency and relevance of training awards. The objective will be achieved through the implementation of specific objectives that are developed around the creation of a platform for the active cooperation of stakeholders to determine the qualification requirements for undergraduate and graduate students in computer science and management, development of sectoral qualifications frameworks (SQF) in computer science and management, based on the National Qualifications Framework of targeted countries and the European Qualifications Framework, and last but not least, the introduction of the SQF due to the introduction of new learning outcomes of computer science and management in the participating countries.
To sum up, I want to say that the NQF is a strong achievement for our country. This topic is relevant and absolutely new. There is no suspicion that it will be useful for everybody - universities, students and employers. As well as the important factor is the support of government, which further demonstrates the importance of the development of SQR.
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- Written by Super User
Category: Английский
Published: 13 May 2013
Hits: 1715
Poland: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
Partners of the consortium:
Germany: University of Koblenz-Landau
Italy: Link Campus University
Slovakia: Technical University of Košice
The Netherlands: Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (Utrecht)
Austria: World University Service
1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
2. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
4. National Mining University of Ukraine
5. Khmelnytskyi National University
6. Union of Enterpriser of Khmelnytskyi Region
7. Idea lab of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
9. Ministry Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine
Russian Federation:
1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
2. Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities
4. Samara State Technical University
5. State University of Management
6. Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E.Alekseev
7. Employment Office of Samara Regional Administration
8. Alumni Universities Association of Krasnodar Region
9. Employment Center of Nizhniy Novgorod Region
10. Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation.
Republic of Armenia:
1. State Engineering University of Armenia
2. Vanadzor Branch of the State Engineering University
3. Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University
5. Quality Assurance National Centre for Education
6. Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia Republic.
Отраслевые Квалификационные Рамки
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- Written by Super User
Category: Английский
Published: 12 May 2013
Hits: 3340
Разработка и реализация ОКР в 3 странах-партнерах будет организована и проведена по средствам CEDEFOP(Европейский центр развития профессионального обучения) (2010) методологии и передовой практики в странах ЕС. Следующие этапы развития:
(а) концептуализация и дизайн: страны-партнеры определят общую концепцию и основные цели политики будущего ОКР в сфере информатики и управления, во многих случаях в результате план обеспечит основы для более широкого распространения и обсуждения с заинтересованными организациями. Опираясь на концепцию каждой страны-партнера, общая концепция будет доработана с учетом конкретных потребностей страны, будет составлена национальная концепция ОКР в области информатики и управления;
(б) консультирование и тестирование: предложения по ОКР будут представлены и обсуждены в рамках более широкой группы заинтересованных сторон. Внешняя экспертная оценка ОКР будет осуществляться партнерами из ЕС, чтобы обеспечить сопоставимость с европейскими стандартами;
(в) официальное учреждение / принятие: для обеспечения устойчивости развития ОКР, будут приняты соответствующие законы правительствами, которые примут форму по средствам приказа министра образования и науки соответствующих стран;
(г) практическая реализация; на данном этапе переместимся к механизмам, при которых полная шкала будет применяется на практике, и университеты-партнеры будут включать в себя новые структуры и методы, тем временем информируя потенциальных конечных пользователей о целях и преимуществах рамок.
Соответствующие агентства по обеспечению качества обучения / Министерства стран-партнёров будут проводить самостоятельную сертификацию ОКР. Группа экспертов, для каждой страны-партнера, в том числе и международные эксперты, будет создана для проведения самостоятельной сертификации процесса в течении 20-24 месяцев.
The Working Group INARM
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- Written by Super User
Category: Английский
Published: 13 May 2013
Hits: 1743
The heads
Mikhail A.Alekseyev, dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, Professor, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the field of educational standards
1. Iryna M. Udovyk, Associate Professor of Software Engineering, Ph.D., Associate Professor, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.Leonid M.Korotenko, Associate Professor of Software Engineering, Ph.D., Associate Professor, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3.Constantine E.Zolot'ko, Assistant Professor of Software Engineering, Ph.D.
4.Tatiana V. Tertychko, deputy headmistress of International Educational Projects, e-mail: tatiana.tertychko @ gmail.com
5.Alena T. Khar, Assistant Professor of Software Engineering, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the field of IT
1.Vsevolod S.Chernyshenko, Associate Professor of Software Engineering, Ph.D., Associate Professor, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.Sergey D.Prikhodchenko, Assistant Professor of Software Engineering, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3.Anatoly G.Kigel, Assistant Professor of Software Engineering, e-mail: anatoliy.kigel @ gmail.com
4.AnnaOsiatnik, student, e-mail:
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5. Michael Kobetsky, student, e-mail:
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- Written by Super User
Category: Английский
Published: 12 May 2013
Hits: 1493
The project will launch with a kick off (month 1) meeting in UMCS during which all the partners will be introduced to discuss time planning, deliverables, tasks, and management. Biannual coordination meetings will be organized at NMU, QANU and RAU. During the coordination meetings operational, technical, financial and content issues with the project objectives will be discussed. Planning for the upcoming activities will be undertaken, as well as discussions on the lessons learnt and good practice will be held.
The management of the project will be undertaken at two levels: PC and overall project. First of all, at project level Project Governing Board (PGB) will be established, which will involve one representative per EU country and two per PC. The PGB will convene once per month via teleconferencing to discuss the project recent developments. At each PC a project management group (PMG) will be established. The PMGs will make sure the project runs efficiently and effectively at institutional level. Next, for each PC the contact person should ensure harmony of workpackage implementation at each PC and timely management of the project, quality control and monitoring visits at local level. Further, each workpackage will be run by a partner: WP1-UMCS; WP2-UKOLD; WP3-CMC-MSU; WP4 - KNU; WP 5- WUS; WP6 - QANU and ANQA; WP 7- SEUA; WP8-UMCCS. Lastly, at overall project level the grantholder will establish a project management team, which will manage daily errands, finances, operational distribution and redistribution of activities, project coordination meetings as well as quality control and monitoring visits. UMCS will prepare intermediate and final reports to the EACEA.
UMCS will lead the WP, take care of its timely and effective execution, monitor and produce a report.